Pusheens in Quarantine

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Flying With Paper

Today the Pusheens and Slothy wanted to go somewhere but all the airports were closed. Instead they made paper airplanes.

First, the Pusheens had to learn how to make paper airplanes and to learn how they fly. The kind of paper, the number of folds, and any decorations will impact the speed, distance and height that the plane travels. The Pusheens learned that four forces are required to make a plane fly. They are drag, gravity, thrust and lift. All four have to be balanced for the paper airplane to fly. This is called aerodynamics.

The Pusheens took turns folding their paper airplanes. When they were finished they lined the planes up on a paper runway.

The Pusheens decided to have an air show. It included acrobatics, distance and speed. To make things extra fun, the Pusheens decided to give the planes they made back stories. For example, Blue Moon was the fastest plane in the world. While it was in a race, another plane hit Blue Moon and her wing got all ripped up and it crashed. The UPS plane is also a cargo plane because it carries Small Blue inside it.

A few of the planes can only be flown if you have a license. But since none of the Pusheens or Slothy had a license, they weren’t allowed to fly some of them.

At first, the planes were all lined up on the runway. The Pusheens walked up and down the runway admiring and inspecting the planes. Each Pusheen chose a plane to fly.

The Pusheens chose Slothy to be the air traffic controller because Slothy has the longest arms. Slothy got into position. The Pusheens got ready to fly.

Then Slothy signaled for the planes to get ready for takeoff. Very, very, very, very, very slowly, Slothy started to raise his arms. The Pusheens realized there was a problem. It would be two weeks before three planes would take off! And at some point they still needed to eat dinner!