The Pusheens Make (and BURN!) Candles


Today Pip and Unicorn Stormy just wanted to do something. So they started to look around the house for an activity.

Pip found colored wax and Unicorn Stormy found wicks and small wax shapes. They decided to make candles out of pressed beeswax sheets.

The wax was made out of beeswax and pressed into thin, flexible sheets. The wax sheets were a little big, so they asked for help to cut the wax sheets so they were smaller. They made the candles by putting the wick on the wax and rolling it up.


When you light a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax. But where does it go? The heat of the flame vaporizes the liquid wax as it turns into a very hot gas. It evaporates and there is no wax left as the candles burn down.

After they were done making the candles they asked for help to light the candles on fire. Pip and Unicorn Stormy watched the candles burn until they melted all the way down.


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