Pusheen-Pin Bowling


Today the Pusheens wanted to go bowling, but I told them the nearest Bowling Alley was probably closed. I told them about bowling the sport. In Baltimore, the type of bowling which is most famous is called Duckpin bowling, which is played with 10 pins and a small, light ball that you can hold in one hand.

Pip was most excited, so he decided to set up the bowling alley. He used empty EOS lip balm containers and some dry erase markers. He called it Pusheenpin Bowling.

Pip set up the markers/pins and he took the EOS lip balms/balls and organized the game. Alice, Banana, Starfish, Glasses and Unicorn Stormy wanted to join. Pip decided that the Pusheens didn’t need to wear special shoes because the floor isn’t slippery.

On Pip’s first turn, he rolled the ball and got a spare. And when it was Unicorn Stormy’s turn, she rolled the EOS and got a strike. Pip was surprised at how strong of a player Unicorn Stormy is! After ten frames, Unicorn Stormy won the game.

Pip got so mad he challenged Unicorn Stormy to a champion bowling match. They set up the markers and Alice took their score. They took their EOS’s and rolled them across the room three times and Pip got a spare and Unicorn Stormy got a strike again.

At this point, the Pusheens got scared because Pip got really angry. They thought he was going to blow a hole through the roof! We learned today that Pip is a very sore loser.


So the Pusheens sang a happy song and did a happy dance. That distracted Pip, and after a while he forgot that he was angry. It is a strategy that parents us on their kids I have noticed.

It succeeded! After a while Pip forgot that he was angry. Unicorn Stormy shook Pip’s hand they said “good game.” While Pip was using the bathroom, all the other Pusheens secretly congratulated Unicorn Stormy. We should keep that a secret.

Tomorrow the Pusheens will have a special science class and try a new experiment!


The Disappearing Egg Shell


Ballet Class