Pusheens in Quarantine

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A Field Trip To the National Aquarium

Today the Pusheens went on a “field trip” to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The National Aquarium brings in rescued animals from the ocean. It is a research institution as well as a public aquarium. Even though it has been relocated several times it now stands in Baltimore. It is located in the downtown Inner Harbor of Baltimore.

Baby Blue, Cupcake Jr., Eevee, Mermaid Stormy, Fluffy and Coaty got to go on the field trip. Once they got to the Aquarium, they stood next to the glass. I told them, “Don’t tap on the glass because it scares the fish. And don’t take any flash photography because it will also scare the fish.”

And once they got in they saw a gigantic fish. And it’s name…was Fish!!

The Pusheens were lucky because they arrived just in time to watch Fish being fed.