Yesterday was the start of Passover, which is a holiday celebrated by Jewish people. Because the Pusheens couldn’t visit with each other, they had a Zoom seder.
They invited: Pop, Bubbie, Isaac, Cousin Misty, Uncle Sloth, Aunt Sloth, Mordachai, Uncle Todd, Rabbi Sam, Vivienne, Ferdinand, Nama, Pusheen, Hilary, Lily, Emmy, Audrey, Rachel, Sammy and Jake.
A Passover seder is a holy meal that remembers when the Jews left Egypt. The main point of the seder is to tell the story of Jews escaping from Pharoah.
During the seder, the youngest sings the Four Questions and this year Eevee sang them. The Pusheens believe that 10 plagues cursed the Egyptians because they wouldn’t let the Jews go free, and the ten plagues were: water turns into blood, frogs everywhere, lice, flies, disease on cattle, unhealable boils, hail and fire, locusts, darkness, the tenth one is one is death of the first born.
The Pusheens sang dayenu, which means “it would have been enough.” Then after a very, very, very long time they finally got to eat! There is no bread at seder. Instead there is a flat cracker called matzah. The Jews didn’t have time to pack when they could finally leave Egypt, so their bread didn’t rise properly. Jewish people eat matzah at this time of year to remember their ancestors.
During the seder there is a special plate and on the plate is bitter herbs, shank bone, an egg, vegetable, something spicy, and something sweet.
After the meal they were supposed to hunt for the afikomen, which is a piece of matzoh that the leader hides. Each house hid the afikomen. Evee found it this year! It was in the bookshelf!