Pusheens in Quarantine

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Happy Birthday Eevee!

Today it was Eevee’s birthday, but Eevee thought no one remembered it so she was very sad.

But all of the Pusheens remembered Eevee’s birthday. They had actually planned a surprise party for her. They decided that Slothy would be the bait to lure her to the living room where the party was being held.

When Slothy went to find Eevee, she was looking out the window all by herself. Without being noticed by Eevee, Slothy told all of the Pusheens to go over to the window. They all went to the window very quietly so Eevee wouldn’t suspect anything.

The Pusheens yelled “surprise!” That scared Eevee so badly that she fell over! When Eevee figured out what was going on she was so happy.

Slothy had brought Eevee a piece of chocolate cake. When it was time to sing, Slothy wanted to lead the group in singing, but it wasn’t the normal happy birthday everyone knows. Instead, Slothy sang, very slowly, “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppyy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrtthhhhhhhhhdddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy toooooooooooooooooo yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.”

Eevee decided that one verse was enough or candle was going to burn all the way down to the cake by the time Slothy finished!

It turned out to be a very good birthday. A good, slow birthday for Eevee.